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SHOCKING pictures of a mobbed park near Glasgow have emerged today as people continue to defy government advice on the coronavirus crisis. 

Scores of punters have been seen in Strathclyde Country Park, Motherwell, this afternoon despite strict new measures banning Scots from going outside unless they have a 'reasonable excuse'. 

Government guidance on social distancing asks people to only leave their home for an essential purpose such as shopping for necessary food, household and medical supplies, travelling to and from work when doing so from home is not an option and daily exercise no closer than two metres from others.

Some images have shown lines of cars queuing to get into car parks in the public space. 

North Lanarkshire Council, which manages the park, took the decision last week to ban vehicles from entering the park but continue to allow pedestrians and cyclists. 

Coronavirus LIVE: UK COVID-19 related deaths rise by 209

Many users have taken to social to voice their concerns with some calling for police to take action. 

Cops now have powers to enforce the coronavirus rules on staying at home and closing non-essential businesses.

Police can direct people to return home and those in breach could be subject to a prohibition notice and if they do not comply they could be fined or prosecuted.

Fines of £30, rising to £60 if not paid within 28 days, can be issued. These penalties are doubled for each repeat offence up to a £960 cap. 

Four men were issued with anti-social behaviour tickets after an aerial thermal imaging camera spotted them congregating in Pollok Park, Glasgow, on Thursday afternoon.

It comes on the day First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced plans are afoot to step up testing for the coronavirus.

Currently about 800 people are tested daily, however the government is planning on stepping this up to about 3000 tests a day. 

Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed a new lab will open in Glasgow in the coming weeks to help increase testing.

Police Scotland declined to comment on an individual case.