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Public Notice

BAE SYSTEMS Surface Ships Limited MARINE (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 Marine Licensing

BAE SYSTEMS Surface Ships Limited MARINE (SCOTLAND) ACT 2010 Marine Licensing (Pre-Application Consultation)(SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2013
Notice under Regulation 7(b)
Pre-application consultation by BAE Systems relating to the proposed development at its Scotstoun site, South Street, Glasgow, G14 0XN. This consists of development of its ship building facility specifically works to the River Clyde and foreshore of the Scotstoun site for licensable marine activities namely Dredging and Sea Disposal (including Capital Dredging) and Marine Construction Works.

A public consultation event will take place between 14.00hrs and 19.00hrs, Wednesday 14th December 2016, at GTG Training and Conference Centre, 1330 South Street, Glasgow G14 0BJ.

Further information may be obtained from the applicant’s agent: George Bowie, Arch Henderson LLP, 142 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5LA.


Anyone wishing to make comments on the proposal should do so in writing to the applicant’s agent, no later than 10th January 2017.

We would note that any comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the Scottish Ministers and that if the prospective applicant makes an application for a marine licence, that there will be an opportunity for representations to be made to the Scottish Ministers on the application.

Published on 28/10/2016