Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival is granting rare access to buildings in the city.

Explorers will be given the chance to investigate more than 100 spaces from castles to derelict buildings as part of the highly anticipated event next month.

From September 11-17, visitors can enjoy an exciting lineup including The Pipe Factory, St Lukes, a storytelling tour of the city's derelict buildings, refurbished B-listed Camphill Gate tenement, and Crookston Castle.

Visitors can also enjoy an action-packed journey while exploring the captivating world of superhero movies in Glasgow with a Superhero City tour.

The festival will feature a series of heritage talks and exhibitions as the event focuses on the theme of 'The Sensory City', inspired by the renowned poet Liz Lochhead and her poem 'A Glasgow nonsense rhyme for Molly’.

In addition to the usual emphasis on visual aspects in architecture, this year's theme looks at the non-visual senses - touch, taste, sound, and smell - and their profound impact on our experience of the city.

Visitors will be invited to embark on a journey of sensory exploration, unlocking a deeper connection to Glasgow, while reflecting on its rich cultural heritage and its influence on the vibrant city we know today.

All events are free to attend, but some require advance booking. Reserving your spot can be done through the festival website.

For the second year, the festival hub will be hosted at the University of Glasgow’s new flagship research building the Advanced Research Centre (the ARC), providing a venue for talks, activities, and exhibitions throughout the festival.

For those seeking an alternative experience, digital trails, films, and resources can be accessed online.

Liz Davidson, Chair of Glasgow Building Preservation Trust, said: “This year's programme is something we're eagerly looking forward to sharing with the wider Glasgow community. What makes this year even more special for us is the celebration of our 40th anniversary.

“This milestone offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the tremendous impact the Trust's projects have had on both the communities across the city over the past four decades.

“It's a time to pause and contemplate how these initiatives can leave a lasting legacy for the city of tomorrow.

“We, at Glasgow Building Preservation Trust, are excited about the prospect of continuing our mission for another 40 years - rescuing and repurposing historic buildings across the city, while positively influencing the community and the city as a whole.”

Stephen Sheriff, Festival Coordinator, said: “Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival promises an unforgettable week of discovery and appreciation for the city's history, culture, and significance. Whether you are a resident or a visitor, this event is an opportunity to forge a deeper connection with Glasgow, experiencing its vibrant past and its promising future.”