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David Milne

Published on 16/05/2024

MILNE - David The family of the late David U. Milne would like to express sincere thanks to the family, friends and neighbours who attended David's funeral service on 4th May, and to those who sent cards and expressions of sympathy. We are grateful to those who contributed to the retiring collection for the Beatson Cancer Charity and for Mary's Meals. Particular thanks are due to Rev. Brian Casey for conducting the service, and to Pat and the staff of Wylie Lochhead Funeral Directors in Milngavie for their invaluable help in making the arrangements. Finally we would like to express our gratitude to the District Nursing Palliative Care Team, Dr Coombs and staff at Denbridge Surgery, the staff at Baljaffray Pharmacy and, in particular, to all the Staff at Bluebird Care who supported David so well during his final illness at home.


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