A NEW team has been put in place to make Glasgow city centre one of the best in the world.

The idea is based on projects already in operation in New York, London and Melbourne.

The seven-strong group, who have years of experience and a wide range of professional skills, will drive the regeneration of the area.

The city council has been working with the Chamber of Commerce to draw up a five year plan for the centre of the city.

It will help promote the unique aspects of nine separate districts which make up the city centre.

As a first step, action will be taken to react to issues raised by businesses and residents including environmental blight, poorly maintained sites, the need to create new spaces or promote activities.

Plans will also be put in place to bring forward the regeneration of the nine districts.

A council spokesman said: "These regeneration frameworks will put people - how and what they use, perceive, enjoy and dislike - at the heart of city planning.

"Their development is a wonderful opportunity to find out how people use the city centre day and night.

"This more people-orientated approach is something other cities, like New York, London and Melbourne have all benefited from.

"It is also a great opportunity to get up-to-date evidence of how people use public spaces in the city centre.

"If we are going to make this city centre better we need to know its real DNA - warts and all - and we can do that by fully engaging with local people who work, live, study or visit the area.

"They will let us know what's working and what's not and that will allow us to decide how that area can be improved and what its ­priorities are.

"Most importantly, we will find out how the private, public and voluntary sectors can work together to address these and make each district a better place for residents and visitors to enjoy 24/7."

The nine districts are Anderston, Broomielaw, Centre, Cowcaddens, Merchant City and High Street, Sauchiehall, St Enoch, Townhead, University and Cathedral.

The management team - which is made up of workers from a range of council departments including Gillian Black, Jane Laiolo, Derek Dunsire, John Foster, Caroline Little, Seamus Connolly - have compiled a list of 50 actions to improve the city centre between 2014 and 2019.

The spokesman said: "It is an exciting time in the city centre, particularly with all the positive effects the Commonwealth Games is bringing to the city.

"To ensure the city centre is looking and functioning at its best, a series of cosmetic treatments and improvements projects have already been developed and our city centre strategy will build on these good pieces of work to deliver a number of projects to kick start regeneration in each district. People will see the physical changes happening shortly."

Over the next five years a wide range of schemes will be carried out by the new team and its partners ­including a new city centre traffic and transport strategy.

There will be a wide-ranging programme to introduce more greenery as well as a review of current housing and retail policies, the river and many other areas which impact on the day-to-day life of city centre users.

City council leader ­Gordon Matheson said: "Our city centre is of huge economic and cultural ­importance not only for Glasgow but for the rest of the country.

"Therefore its continued good performance is vital, and as all city centres are facing new challenges we have to plan to ensure that it remains the powerhouse of Scotland. The new City Centre Strategy will help us meet these challenges."

HE continued: "The ­actions to be carried out were arrived at through consultation and collaboration with partners from across the public and private sectors in recognition of the fact so many people and organisations have a stake in the area.

"It should be remembered Glasgow city centre is undoubtedly Scotland's cultural and economic hub.

"It is home to 28,000 people, 150,000 jobs, some of the world's leading businesses, increasing numbers of tourists and over 40,000 students at colleges and universities.

"It is a magnet for inward investment, fantastic bars, restaurants and music venues that attract visitors from across the city and ­beyond, not to mention being the UK's biggest shopping destination outside ­London's West End.

"The right approach to the development of the city centre will ensure it continues to grow and bring prosperity to Glasgow, the wider metropolitan area and Scotland.

"I believe the new strategy will help to deliver an even stronger city centre, one that is an even more pleasant place in which to live, work and visit."

Chamber of Commerce chief executive Stuart Patrick, chief executive welcomed the council decision to set up a city centre management team.

He said: "This will have an extremely positive impact upon businesses, acting as a one-stop portal which they can liaise with to address strategic and ­operational issues while progressing opportunities within the city.

"Glasgow Chamber of Commerce actively organised for businesses from key sectors to engage with the council's city centre strategy group, which led directly to the recommendation for this team to be established.

"We will continue to work closely with it, focusing on improving the effectiveness which the city ­centre can do business."
