A PRIVATE hire car driver will stay on the roads despite allegations he flashed his private parts to female passengers. 

The 38-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will keep his licence which was reviewed this week by Glasgow City Council licensing chiefs after a complaint from Police Scotland.

It is claimed by the police, who wanted his licence suspended because of a serious concern for public safety, that the driver exposed his private parts after the three women invited him in for a drink when he dropped them off. 
The incident allegedly happened on March 19 after the driver collected a hire of three female passengers.

It is claimed he accepted their invitation to join them within their property for a drink.

The women say that the driver then exposed his private parts to them.
A spokesman for Glasgow City Council said: “Based on the information presented to the committee, members were satisfied that the continued operation of this licence did not constitute a threat to public safety.”

Meanwhile, during the same hearing, police called for a taxi driver’s licence to be suspended after he allegedly made anti-Muslim comments towards a neighbour.

The 60-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will keep his licence after he allegedly approached his neighbour’s Bearsden house on April 3 at around 5.45pm when he was drunk.

He then allegedly made racist and anti-Muslim comments which put his neighbours – including two young children – in a state of fear and alarm. 
It is also alleged the taxi driver attempted to grab his neighbour by the throat and he threw plant pots at the door of the property. 

He has pled not guilty to the offence and a trial has been set for July 27.
During the same hearing a private hire taxi driver was told he can 
keep his licence after a pensioner died when she was knocked 

t is claimed that the 40-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, caused the 82-year-old’s death by careless driving.

The woman was named by police at the time as Josephine Camley, from Springburn. 

The incident happened in Springburn’s Springfield Road at around 7.30pm on November 4 last year.

A trial date is yet to be set for the driver, who has pled not guilty.