IT IS easy for us to forget that right now, as you read this, there are people in space. 

The continuously-crewed International Space Station (ISS) has made trips to earth's lower orbit routine, but it's still a bit of a mind-meld to know that, at this very moment, there are three people in space.

If you're curious about who's in space, or where they are, there's a free app available for iOS and Android devices, simply called, 'People in Space', which will impress your friends and work colleagues.  

It's stunningly simple with information on who is in space and how long they have been there. 

Glasgow Times:

The app ranks crew members by their number of days in space, and links to profile pages on their space agencies' websites.

If you're also curious where the ISS is in space, the ISS AstroViewer shows a live view of what the space station would see, looking straight down at the earth, plus a track view showing its projected track in orbit (along with day/night bands).

A really cool feature is the Observation page, which helps you work out the time when the ISS will be overhead.

The ISS is the third brightest object in the sky and easy to spot if you know when to look up - it's also visible to the naked eye and looks like a fast-moving plane only much higher and travelling thousands of miles an hour faster.

Glasgow Times:

An image of the ISS over Scotland in 2016, shared by astronaut Tim Peake on Twitter

The ISS will next be visible over Glasgow on Thursday morning at 4.50am for approx 3 minutes. 

A full list of when the space station will be over Glasgow can be found HERE.