A CLYDEBANK father who allowed his two young sons to watch graphic pornography over a one-and-a-half-year period still believes he has done nothing wrong.

The 34-year-old dad-of-two, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared for sentence at Dumbarton Sheriff Court last Friday after being convicted following a two-week trial.

The parent was found guilty by a sheriff of intentionally causing his two sons, aged seven and 12, to look at sexual images by repeatedly forcing them to watch adults engaging in sexual activities on television. The offences happened between December 1, 2015 and June 6, 2017.

The Clydebank Post reports Defence lawyer Tom Mullen said: “The court does not need to be reminded of the facts. He was found guilty after a two-week trial, and must accept that.

“These are clearly two serious offences and he must be punished accordingly. The consequences for him will be monumental and has been made aware of the requirements which he faces.”

Sheriff John Hamilton said: “Despite the conviction, the report outlines that you continue to believe you have done nothing wrong. That is a concern, particularly your self denial. The evidence, particularly that of your two children, was compelling.”

The children gave evidence from a TV link to the courtroom.

The sheriff added: “What you did was completely inappropriate. These were sexually explicit programmes and you must face the consequences.

“I am not saying that you were not a loving and caring father, but your parenting skills fell short of what was required.”

The dad, who showed no emotion sitting in the dock, was put on a community payback order which will see him under social work supervision for 18 months.

He was also ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid community work within the next six months, and was put on the sex offenders’ register until May 2019.