HUNDREDS of German football fans descended on Glasgow yesterday, amidst the news of the coronvavirus affecting everyday life of people all over the world.

Travelling from central Europe to attend the Rangers vs Bayern Leverkusen game last night, many told of how the panic of the health scare doesn't seem to have reached the cheery spirits of Glaswegians just yet.

Glasgow Times: (Left to right) Bayern Leverkusen fans Benny Dries, 39, Toby Schloßmacher, 19, and Nico Willmes, 21, in George Square before the match. Pic: Colin Mearns(Left to right) Bayern Leverkusen fans Benny Dries, 39, Toby Schloßmacher, 19, and Nico Willmes, 21, in George Square before the match. Pic: Colin Mearns

Toby, 19, who travelled with friends from Leverkusen, said: "We've had no conerns really, a few flights were cancelled because of it but we arrived at about 11am with no trouble.

"Everyone seems calm about it, very helpful too."

Benny, 39, said: "Our biggest problem was with the game maybe being cancelled. We were checking our phones every single minute for updates so it was a relief when it was confirmed to be on."

Glasgow Times: Bayern Leverkusen fans in George Square before the match. Pic: Colin MearnsBayern Leverkusen fans in George Square before the match. Pic: Colin Mearns

Sebastian, 29 from Berlin, said: "We're not concerned about problems getting back to Germany, everything seems to be going fine and the airport was working in order as well."