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THE coronavirus has exposed the fallacy of Brexit, which has left the UK isolated from the rest of the EU, in dealing with this deadly virus.

Both Boris Johnson and his Brexit partner Nigel Farage had blazed on their Brexit campaign bus the amount the NHS would benefit from when the UK left the EU.

This, as Donald Trump would say, was “Fake News”.

When the Conservative Party came to power in 1979, with their monetary policies, their leader, the late Mrs Thatcher, stated the NHS was “safe in their hands?”

Following Conservative governments have faithfully adhered to the late Mrs Thatcher’s ruthless policies, which have seen the NHS continually having to operate financially with one

hand tied behind its back. I have no doubt at some point we’ll hear the well-worn comment from the government, “that lessons have been learned”.


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WHY are people so stupid?

Please isolate them all together and don’t let them out (Coronavirus house parties clamped down by police, Glasgow Times online).

Alban Glasgow

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IT’S a disgrace. It’s never going away if people are meeting up and hanging about the street.

Dot McCloy

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£30 fines are nowhere near enough – that’s pocket money.

Look at what the fines

are abroad in Spain – it’s €600!

Mary Hughes

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IDIOTS. Fine them. Real fines. And then maybe they will think twice.

Alex Bainbridge

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PEOPLE seem to care more about when they can go out rather than when will the deaths subside. Sad times.

Dominic Wilde

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ALL leagues should be declared null and void this season and a new season resumed in August (Uefa to pass buck to SPFL on how to finish season, Glasgow Times online).

It’s the only fair thing to do considering the situation.

People’s lives are far more important than who wins what.

Kenneth MacKinnon

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THEY really need to finish the season. It’s not fair on the supporters if the don’t.

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