Two schools are now at the centre of contact tracing according to the health board. 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said their test and protect teams are carrying out contact tracing at Our Lady and St Patrick's High School in Dumbarton and Glasgow Gaelic Secondary School, Glasgow

The health board reassured the public by saying at this time there is no evidence of transmission within the schools themselves.

Thd health board added: "To respect and maintain patient confidentiality, no further details will be released but we can confirm close contacts are being advised to self-isolate and being given advice and support.

"Apart from those who are identified as close contacts, all other staff and pupils can continue to attend as normal. There is no risk to the wider community. 

"We continue to ask the public to remain vigilant. The general measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19 remain the same - social distancing, regular hand washing, and being on the look-out for symptoms. 

"There is no need for anyone to seek test if they are not experiencing any symptoms but anyone with one or more of the symptoms should immediately self-isolate and order a test on the NHS inform website"