An 80-year-old man was targeted in a daylight robbery in the Springburn area of Glasgow. 

The thief made off with a three-figure-sum of money after accosting the pensioner around 11am yesterday. 

The pensioner was walking home from a newsagents on Atlas Road when the thug started following him. 

He trailed the man to his home address before demanding the pensioner's wallet and forcibly taking it from the 80-year-old's jacket pocket. 

READ MORE: Hunt launched for three men after man seriously assaulted

The thief made off with the wallet in the direction of Atlas Road. 

Luckily, the 80-year-old man was not injured but he was left badly shaken. 

Officers have launched a probe as they hunt for the thief responsible. 

He is described as being between 32-38 years of age, of medium build, 6ft tall.

At the time he was wearing a black leather imitation jacket and blue jeans.

Police Constable Sean Kennedy of the Community Investigation Unit at Helen Street Police said: “Thankfully the 80-year-old man was not injured as a result of the incident. 

"Our investigations are ongoing and we have gathered CCTV to establish more information in an effort to identify the man responsible.

“I am appealing to anyone who witnessed the robbery take place, or who has any information that will assist us to contact the Community Investigation Unit at Helen Street Police Office, Glasgow through calling Police Scotland on 101 quoting reference number 1060 of the 11 of September. Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained”.