TUNNOCK'S reportedly sent a rescue package of snacks to MPs in Westminster who were complaining about a lack of treats. 

The biscuit giant, owned by Sir Boyd Tunnock, shipped out an emergency box of the Uddingston brand's caramel wafers, reports the Scottish Sun

A parliamentary insider told the paper: “Tunnock’s treats are usually available in the corridors of power but there were alarm bells ringing when people realised they had run out of Caramel Wafers last week.

“Word of the shortage reached the ears of Sir Boyd who immediately made moves to have stocks replenished."

After the alarm was raised, MPs - and not just the Scottish ones - were delighted to be gifted the complimentary box. 

The source added: “Once the appropriate contacts had been made, a complimentary batch was sent from the factory direct to Westminster.

"The politicians, particularly the Scots, have been left delighted.”

Tunnock's told the paper: "With everything that’s going on in the country right now it is vital that our elected representatives keep their energy levels at maximum.

“Our Wafers are the only thing they all agree on so we could not see them deprived.”