I READ the letter from M Wells of Anniesland in Wednesday’s Glasgow Times who complained that nurseries in Scotland were closed whilst those in England were open. 

She should remember that Covid death rates in England have consistently been higher than here, indeed there was a period of more than 20 days in Scotland in the summer when no Covid deaths were recorded at all. Possibly our more cautious approach is working,

Alastair Stirling
Via email

NICOLA Sturgeon has been saying a lot recently about independence being Scotland’s route to rejoining the EU. I wish it were true, but the fact is that nations such as Spain, Belgium, Italy and Denmark with their own “UK problem” – regions wanting to break away – are going to block our entry.

Neither can we count on the support of contributing nations such as Germany, France and Holland – why would they want another economic basket case? We may rejoice in the description of Edinburgh as the “Athens of the North” but we can hardly complain if EU economists see “Greece II”.

John Cameron
Via email

WITH regards FMK from East Kilbride’s comment on Celtic’s trip to Dubai (Letters, January 8), I think he has to keep in mind Celtic’s claims that the Scottish Government gave the all-clear for the trip. 

And if the Scottish Government did give the all-clear, then Nicola Sturgeon’s comments have to be investigated, because if the Scottish Government did give the all-clear for the trip and she did not know about it then who is in charge?

And before anybody comments, let me say that I am not a Celtic fan – in fact I am not a supporter of any football club. 

Jim Tees
Via email

COUNCILS have not got the resources to grit every single road, nor is it a requirement for them to do so as many grit bins are provided for residents to use (“Our whole city has become an ice rink”, Letters, January 8).

Unfortunately, a lot of these bins are being emptied by people trying to make money by selling the grit online or, as I found out from a colleague this morning, people are filling up vans and then trying to charge homeowners up to 30 pounds to grit paths and driveways. Utterly disgraceful.

Colin MacEwan
Via email

I WAS pleasantly surprised to read Maureen McKenna’s reasoning for keeping schools open in Glasgow. I must admit, when I read the headline I was braced to disagree with everything she had said.

Glasgow Times: Maureen McKenna Maureen McKenna

However, I think it is a sensible approach to allow each individual school to adapt to suit their pupils’ needs. This is a difficult time and for many at-home learning is not possible.

That’s before you begin to count the costs of going weeks, possibly months, without seeing friends.

Fair play to Ms McKenna.

Walter Maxwell
Via email

I WAS very interested in the explanation from the Glasgow Science Centre expert on our upcoming extended summer, reading it with my heating on full blast (“Our extra long summer”, January 8).

Perhaps this is the added incentive the country needs to actually follow the lockdown rules – young people especially? Because what are these extra days worth if they can’t be enjoyed with the usual Glasgow summer day traditions? And no, I don’t just mean vandalising some fire hydrants...
