MORE than £25 million is to be spent improving homes across the West of Scotland after a landlord agreed to merge with the Glasgow Housing Association (GHA). 

Hundreds of jobs and an additional 600 new properties are also to be created following the agreement from Cube Housing Association tenants. 

GHA managing director Jehan Weerasinghe said: “This really is fantastic news for tenants as it means we can do even more for people living in our communities than we could before.

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“As GHA is also part of Wheatley Group, tenants know they will see the same excellent level of services and support. We’ll continue to be there for tenants 24/7, seven days a week, offering personalised support right from day one.”

Cube chair Peter Kelly said: “The Cube board is very proud of what has been achieved with the support and engagement of tenants in recent years to improve homes, communities and the life chances of local people.

"We have absolutely no doubt a new, stronger GHA will be able to go even further in creating 'Better Homes, Better Lives, a Better Glasgow'.