A MAN who was caught with a knife in the street claimed it was for fishing.

Casey Connell, 20, was stopped by cops at Westmuir Street in Parkhead on July 17, 2019.

At Glasgow Sheriff Court, prosecutor Ramsay Cunningham said: “Officers were on mobile patrol and observed the accused standing at a close door.

“He was suspiciously looking up and down with his hands in his pockets. He began walking down the street in the opposite direction after seeing police and began to walk faster.

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“He was thereafter stopped and informed he would be detained for a search. Prior to being searched he was asked if he had anything sharp on him and he replied, ‘I have a knife in my pocket, I was fishing’.”

The silver metal handled lock back knife with a 2.3-inch blade was recovered from his left trouser pocket.

Connell, of Parkhead, was cautioned and replied, ‘it’s a fishing knife’. He was conveyed to the police office.

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His lawyer told the court that social work reports were not available, which were needed in order for Connell to be sentenced.

He said: “He never received a letter from the social work department, and he doesn’t have a phone. I will take him to the social work department office myself today to get an appointment arranged.”

Sheriff Paul Brown told Connell: “You need to understand you have come very close to being remanded in custody. You need to go straight from here to the social work department and get these reports done.

"You need to get this done or you’ll go to custody. The reason the court calls for these is to find an alternative to custody.”

He will return in August to be sentenced after previously pleading guilty to being in possession of the offensive weapon.