Councillors have refused to allow a controversial housing development in the Westerwood area of Cumbernauld which attracted more than 100 objections from local residents.

Ogilvie Homes had applied for permission in principle to construct up to 50 new dwellings of varying types on a cleared commercial forestry site at St Andrews Drive.

This application attracted 108 representations, including from Councillor Alan Masterton and Westerwood Community Council, and objectors cited a wide range of concerns.

The report submitted for consideration also recommended refusing the application, stating “The proposed development is considered to constitute an inappropriate and unjustified loss of a community facility.

“No planning policy justification or other material consideration that would outweigh the provision of the Development Plan which seeks to safeguard community facilities from development was submitted.

“The applicant has not provided adequate information to allow a full assessment of industrial noise impact, as such, it has not been demonstrated that the proposed residential development can be satisfactorily mitigated from industrial noise to ensure that an acceptable level of residential amenity can be achieved.

“Additionally, it has also not been demonstrated that to allow housing to be developed on this site would not have an adverse impact on the ability of the neighbouring industrial premises to continue to operate in its current form. The site is currently the subject of a Restock Direction notice. As such, approval of this application will bring the permission into conflict with the landowner’s legal requirement to restock the site in accordance with Scottish Forestry Restock Direction notice.”

The committee unanimously refused the application without debate.