ALAN Cumming and Lulu were pictured on the Glasgow Film Festival red carpet this evening for the European premiere of My Old School

Directed by Jono McLeod, the documentary hybrid tells the story of Brandon Lee who in 1993 enrolled at McLeod's old school, Bearsden Academy. 

Brandon, played by Alan Cumming, pretended to be a 16-year-old Canadian student but in 1995 it emerged he was in fact a 30-year-old man called Brian MacKinnon from Bearsden. 

He lied about his age in an attempt to make it to university. 

For the film, McLeod returned to his old school and gathered the memories of former pupils who recalled their time with Brandon. 

The film features animation with a cast of famous voices and a soundtrack led by Dennistoun-raised Lulu's title song. 

Glasgow Times: Director Jono McLeod and with Nicola Walker - both attended Bearsden Academy and knew Brandon LeeDirector Jono McLeod and with Nicola Walker - both attended Bearsden Academy and knew Brandon Lee

Glasgow Times: Lulu and Alan CummingLulu and Alan Cumming

Glasgow Times: Dawn SteeleDawn Steele

Glasgow Times: Jono McLeod with fellow former pupils of Bearsden AcademyJono McLeod with fellow former pupils of Bearsden Academy

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