Standard Glasgow and Scotland eh - just as the summer holiday season is coming to an end along comes a heatwave!

Enjoy it while it lasts, folks. And, anyway, does summer holiday season even exist any more? It used to be six weeks from the start of July to mid-August and that was it.

I know the schools are still off at that moment, but with more and more parents taking their families away in June before the break or August and September after schools go back, it feels like the rules have been ripped up and forgotten.

Let’s blame Covid, will we. It seems to take the hit or be the excuse for just about everything that changes these days anyway.

One thing that has returned to ‘normal’ is the school exam results falling in early August. By the time you read this, most youngsters in Glasgow should have received their results and I wish them well.

If you’ve got what you wanted, fair play to you, celebrate and go onwards with confidence.

However, if you haven’t, please don’t fret. As always, it’s important to point out that these results are only a tiny, tiny part of your journey.

They don’t and won’t define you. So also go onwards with confidence and keep an open mind to what the future might hold.

Might one or two of you even become taxi business owners, operators or drivers in the future?

Who knows, but if so hopefully you enjoy a little more external support than we are currently experiencing.

These incoming LEZ zones are all good and well but the £64,000 (or thereabouts) question remains - who is going to help fund it and ensure a strong fleet of compliant taxis, and drivers, are on the road come the new dawn?

The silence is deafening!

For now, for me anyway, it’s simply all about the immediate road ahead and next week that road will be busy with returning school children as the morning and afternoon school jobs come back on the system.

It’s ever a joy to help some of these adorable young people get to school and back via the only transport available to help them as per their needs.

You can’t really put a price on that can you?

It’s a chain you see. Fit and proper taxis on the road help many of our kids get to school and ensure more positive futures and opportunities for them.

Less taxis in the years ahead to do that? Careful what you wish for...

Stay safe!