A crowd of more than 100 people attended the proclamation of King Charles III at Dumbarton’s municipal building on Sunday afternoon.

Peter Hessett, council chief executive, read out the proclamation statement on the steps of the building to declare the new monarch.

Glasgow Times: West Dunbartonshire CouncilWest Dunbartonshire Council (Image: West Dunbartonshire Council)

READ MORE: 'Big shoes to fill': People at the proclamation share their thoughts on King Charles III

The ceremony was attended by local dignitaries including Provost Douglas McAllister, Vice Lord Lieutenant Linda Moffat, and the leader of West Dunbartonshire Council, Councillor Martin Rooney.

Elected members, representatives from Police Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, as well as former Provosts and representatives from the Church were also in attendance.

Flags on the council buildings were raised to full mast to mark the proclamation before being lowered to half-mast for the duration of the national mourning period before the funeral of The Queen.

Glasgow Times: West Dunbartonshire CouncilWest Dunbartonshire Council (Image: West Dunbartonshire Council)

READ MORE: Crowd gathers in George Square for Glasgow's proclamation of King Charles III

Provost McAllister said: “We are united in our support for His Majesty King Charles III in his new position of monarch, and continue to offer our condolences to all members of the Royal Family on what is the saddest of occasions.”