THEY are not generally considered Glasgow’s most beautiful buildings but some of the city’s famous brutalist landmarks have been celebrated in a new book.

Braw Concrete showcases some of the most iconic - if divisive - sites around Glasgow, seeking to capture the spirit of everyday life in the city through its architecture.

Glasgow Times: Hillhead Library. Pic: Colin Mearns/NewsquestHillhead Library. Pic: Colin Mearns/Newsquest (Image: Colin Mearns/Newsquest)

The book takes a journey from east-to-west and through central Glasgow, with a collection of photographs and words that give an insight into the creation and significance of mid-century architecture to the city.

Stakis Ingram Hotel, Wolfson Centre, Empire House and Savoy Centre all feature, alongside the Bourbon Building, Kentigern House, Queen Margaret Union, Adam Smith Building, Rankine Building and Hillhead Library.

Glasgow Times: Empire HouseEmpire House (Image: Newsquest)

Following on from the UN Climate Change Conference, COP 26, which Glasgow hosted last year, Braw Concrete also calls into question the environmental consequences of the city being pressured to demolish some of these perfectly serviceable buildings, which would have lasted thousands of years - all due to their aesthetic.

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The book is written by Glasgow-based architect Alan Stewart; director at Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, who studied at the Mackintosh School of Architecture; and Peter Halliday, writer, photographer and enthusiast of post-war architecture.

Glasgow Times: Savoy Centre sign, Glasgow.Savoy Centre sign, Glasgow. (Image: Newsquest)

It is being published by The Modernist Society, a creative project dedicated to celebrating and engaging with twentieth century architecture, through publishing, events, exhibitions and creative collaborations.

Peter explains: “If you were to wander down a Glasgow street and pick a few people at random, it is unlikely that any of them would hold much affection for the city’s post-war concrete buildings.

“Yet, Glasgow is home to some of the most audacious and courageous architecture of the mid-century era.

“The architects who designed these buildings believed that, through their work, they were putting in place the institutions and infrastructure that would befit a modern, progressive city. This book encompasses the spirit of optimism that gave birth to these buildings. It was all about building a better world – literally.”

Jack Hale, Co-founder of the Modernist Society, says: “Brutalist architecture can be divisive, but there’s no denying that these buildings are unique, original and a significant part of Glasgow’s heritage.

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“Whatever you may think of them, you would have to agree that the book itself is a thing of beauty and a fitting tribute. We hope it helps people to appreciate the value of this period of Glasgow’s architectural history.”