A family was ‘in tears’ as a plaque was unveiled for a hero Glasgow firefighter who died trying to save a woman’s life.

Adrian McGill made the ‘ultimate sacrifice’ while attempting to save a pensioner trapped in a fire.

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

Now 50 years later, a red plaque has been made to honour the brave 34-year-old, who gave the woman his oxygen mask in an attempt to save her life on November 18, 1972.

His family were ‘bursting with pride’ while attending a ceremony to unveil the tribute at Maryhill Fire Station on Friday.

They spoke to the Glasgow Times about the experience and hailed their big brother as “a fun, outgoing man who loved his job”.

His sister Patricia Campbell, 76, from Glasgow, said: "It has been a beautiful day. My brother has been really well remembered and praised. It makes me so happy.

“It has been quite emotional. I was crying, big happy tears though to see how nice everyone has been.

“It has been really lovely. Everyone has said such nice things, I did not expect so many people to be here. It is great.

“This means that people still remember him. Fifty years is a long time but today makes it feel like he is still with us and still included.

“We have never forgotten him and love him to bits. I am really bursting with pride.”

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

The fire began in a wallpaper shop but quickly spread - resulting in 200 people having to be evacuated from the smoke-filled area, with 50 families being made homeless after the blaze.

Four other firefighters were treated for injuries including one who fell 30ft.

Mr McGill’s body was found with signs of carbon monoxide poisoning and tragically the woman also died.

Mr McGill had been married with three children, with his youngest child being just eight-months-old.

Glasgow Times:

His son, Steven McGill, grew up to be a firefighter himself and gave a speech at the event, saying it ‘reality hit home’ when two officers knocked on their door to tell them Mr McGill had passed away.

Steven went on to present a restored certificate that was given by Glasgow City Council for Mr McGill's act of heroism.

He then gave it to the fire service to hang up at their headquarters in memory of his father.

He said: “The kind words my family have heard today have been overwhelming. My mum is no longer with us but she would be proud as punch.”

The family also laid down wreaths at the plaque, along with council members and fire chiefs.

Glasgow Times:

The firefighter was the eighth Glasgow firefighter to die in a fire in three months, with seven dying in the Kilbirnie Street textile warehouse blaze in August, and the 27th to have lost their life in the previous 12 years.

The honour will be part of the Fire Brigades Union’s Red Plaque Scheme which commemorates firefighters who have died in the line of duty.

Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union (FBU) general secretary, said: “Firefighters will always do everything they can to save lives. Adrian McGill’s bravery extended to laying his life down in an attempt to save another.

“It is so important that what he did is never forgotten. Red Plaques help firefighters to feel connected to those who came before them and helps them to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the line of duty.

“The Fire Brigades Union is proud and privileged to play a role in making sure that Adrian McGill is remembered.”

Seona Hart, FBU Scotland regional treasurer, said: “Adrian McGill made a split-second decision out of care for someone else, a stranger who he had never met before, and a decision which he would have known came with huge risk.

“It is self-sacrifice on an almost indescribable scale. There’s a quote that states that there is no more stirring symbol of our humanity towards others than a fire engine. Adrian McGill and what he did personify that.

“This plaque will ensure that the Glasgow community knows about the sacrifice that Adrian McGill made, and it will help Glasgow’s firefighters remember one of their own.”