A GLASGOW charity is calling for help to provide a vital warm space for older people struggling to heat their homes this winter.

Glasgow’s Golden Generation (GGG) made the desperate plea for funds following reports some people are eating smaller meals, avoiding social events and sitting in cold flats as temperatures plummet.

Richard Donald, CEO of the charity, said one of its service users had told them she could "only afford to heat one room for a few hours per day."

He added: “GGG launched its Winter Warmer appeal to ensure older adults have the help they need this winter whether that be with benefits advice, day centres, digital support or befriending.

“It’s been a really difficult few years for the charity, with the pandemic closely followed by the cost-of-living crisis.

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“As our costs have risen sharply, so has the need for support with a 38 percent increase in calls to our Welfare Team this year compared with 2021.

“Our befriending service is so oversubscribed that we have a waiting list for taking on new clients and demand for our new Sky Hub digital service is higher than ever.

“Keeping our day centres open means they have somewhere warm to go for a nutritious three course meal which they can enjoy with other people their age.

“Social interaction is crucial for older people – it’s well known that loneliness has as great an impact on health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, but it’s something we can tackle as long as the public gets behind us.”

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GGG is desperately seeking funds to continue to provide a warm space for the older adults of Glasgow.

The charity, which was founded in 1948, runs three centres in Glasgow - the Fred Paton Day Centre in the west, Mattie Carwood Day Centre in the east and David Cargill Day Centre in the south.

To support the Winter Warmer appeal find out more at www.glasgowgg.org.uk