HOUSING associations are concerned about protests over rent rises after a chief executive’s home was visited by demonstrators.

Following the protest, a meeting was called by associations to discuss the direct action of the protesters.

Two groups highlighted are Living Rent and the Scottish Tenants Organisation.

One of the groups said its members were being falsely characterised as “extremists” and they would rather meet officially to discuss issues facing tenants but said "nothing is off the table".

The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Association (GWSF) held the meeting to discuss a “shift in tactics” of protests and the implications for staff.

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Another association is inviting councillors in Glasgow to come to a meeting to hear its concerns and about wide-ranging efforts to protect tenants from the cost-of-living crisis.

The protest that sparked concern was on April 1 this year, when four people were filmed delivering a letter to Shona Stephen, of Queen’s Cross Housing Association, and posted it on social media.

The police were informed and legal instructions were issued to the websites concerned to remove the videos.

Carolyn Lochhead, director of external affairs at SFHA, said: "Engaging with and consulting tenants is a core part of what our members do.

“They will always work hard to involve tenants in decision-making, particularly the tough decisions.  

“However, it's fair to expect that discussions will be respectful and never compromise the safety and privacy of individuals."

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In a letter to Glasgow councillors, John Devine, chief executive of NG Homes, mentioned the protest in his invite.

He said: “As part of this, the national secretary of the STO and others were filmed coming to her door and delivering a letter, fortunately, neither she nor her family were in.

“The letter was clear in its intent to disrupt her private time, the whole event was videoed and posted on social media.

“Consequently, her home address was publicly available to anyone, leaving her and her family anxious and afraid.”

Sean Clerkin, campaign co-ordinator of the Scottish Tenants Organisation, said: “Every week social rented tenants and their families are subject to having their human rights breached with social landlords imposing large rent rises on them and if they cannot pay these increased rents have them evicted for rent arrears.

“The Scottish Tenants Organisation is only standing up for tenants in Glasgow and throughout Scotland by being involved in peaceful, non-violent civil disobedience to oppose the large rent rises imposed on tenants and evictions of tenants for rent arrears.

“We would urge all registered social landlords to sit down with us at the same table to work through and resolve issues rather than take the aggressive and extreme tone.”