Spanish police have defended their investigation into the disappearance of a Renfrew man who went missing while on holiday in the Canary Islands.

Gary Watson Shearer, 53, arrived in the resort of Puerto del Carmen, on Lanzarote, on March 16 to celebrate St Patrick's Day.

He was last seen in the early hours of the next morning and then failed to show up for his flight home a week later.

Gary's family have criticised what they view as a lack of effort by the Spanish authorities to find out what has happened to him.

His stepfather Danny Shearer has told how relatives had to organise searches themselves after flying to Lanzarote in a desperate bid to find their loved one.

Glasgow Times: Gary Shearer (right) with his stepfather Danny at Celtic Park before his trip to LanzaroteGary Shearer (right) with his stepfather Danny at Celtic Park before his trip to Lanzarote (Image: Sourced)

However, a spokesman for the Spanish Guardia Civil, which is investigating the case, said it is doing all it can to solve the mystery.

He explained that the probe is under the control of a court – as is normal practice in Spain in these circumstances – and that means the amount of information that can be released to the public is limited.

The spokesman added: "The local police are carrying out inquiries into Gary's disappearance and haven't stopped.

"We met with the family when they arrived in Lanzarote and we are updating the British Consulate when we can.

"The investigation is going to take time. However, we are moving forward."

Gary disappeared from outside Bar 67, in Puerto del Carmen, but footage from CCTV cameras shows he was lying unconscious in a shop doorway next to the pub at around 1.30am on March 17.

Several passers-by saw him lying there but did not seek help.

Danny, 65, fears that Gary forgot which hotel he was staying at and may have headed to a nearby beach to sleep.

Along with Gary's mum Ann, 71, and sister Michelle, Danny travelled to Lanzarote to look for him.

The family were met at the airport by local police and gave a statement the next day.

They also organised their own search of derelict buildings and the beach, with more than 50 local people and holidaymakers taking part.

Glasgow Times: A search party was launched for the Celtic fan after he disappeared in LanzaroteA search party was launched for the Celtic fan after he disappeared in Lanzarote (Image: Sourced)

A second search took place five days later but was unsuccessful.

Gary suffers from epilepsy and type 2 diabetes.

When last seen, he was wearing a hooped Celtic top, shorts and white Nike trainers with green and yellow flashes.

He is 5ft 2ins tall, has short hair and walks with a distinctive limp.

Anyone who has information on Gary's whereabouts is asked to contact the police or call his family on 0772 209 4907 or 0730 524 3618.