A GLASGOW fugitive who was arrested in Brazil has admitted to supplying millions of pounds of drugs.

James White, 45, appeared at the High Court in Glasgow and pleaded guilty to the drugs charge as well as money laundering and possessing firearms and explosives.

He will be sentenced at a later date.

Glasgow Times:

In June 2020, White was arrested in Fortaleza, Brazil, during a joint operation with the Brazilian Federal Police as part of Operation Escalade – the Police Scotland investigation into one of the country's top-tier and most prolific serious organised crime groups.

In August last year, he was extradited back to Scotland.

Detective Chief Superintendent Vicky Watson, Head of Organised Crime at Police Scotland, said: “Tackling serious organised crime remains a priority.

“It has no place in society or our communities and underlines our commitment to working with the Serious Organised Crime Taskforce to keep the public safe.

“James White thought he could evade justice by fleeing Scotland. However, the diligence of Police Scotland officers, working with partners in this country and abroad, meant that he was tracked down and extradited back to this country to face the consequences of his criminal actions.”

Since its inception in 2014, Operation Escalade has now seen more than 40 people convicted for being involved in serious organised crime.

Detective Chief Superintendent Watson added: “The dedicated team of officers have been successfully targeting those involved in serious organised crime domestically and internationally for almost a decade.

“A number of the arrests made were only possible due to the support of international law enforcement agencies abroad. This co-operation remains ongoing and I am grateful for the assistance of our colleagues.”