Network Rail and school children teamed up to help redesign the walls around the school with stunning graffiti artwork.

The British rail infrastructure company has added a pop of colour to St Roch’s Primary School as part of their ongoing partnership.

Having launched in November last year, the partnership has flourished in more ways than one.

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Over the course of the past few weeks, graffiti artists from SWG3 have given the playground walls a new lease of life.

Children at the primary school in North East of Glasgow got to have their say in what would feature on the walls that would capture what their school is all about.

This allowed artists to come up with a design which was pleasing to the eye and captured the school's spirit.

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

Jeremy Spence, Senior Programme Manager for Network Rail, said: “We’re thrilled to be able to provide such a colourful and meaningful display to the exterior walls of St Roch’s Primary.

“The buy in from the pupils on this project has been incredible and we know it will have a lasting meaning for years to come."

Pauline Ward, Headteacher of St Roch’s Primary School, added: “Our school community is delighted with the artwork that showcases the talents of all our children.

“This inclusive project allowed our learners to strengthen their leadership, creativity and collaboration skills and abilities. The design process encouraged our aspiring artists to tap into creative and design talents. Seeing our children’s art work come to life was an opportunity to have faith in people talents. Everyone involved was committed to making a difference.

“We thank Network Rail for their kindness, faith and commitment to our school and community. This work matters and is changing our school environment and learning experiences. Thank you - we are blessed to have this partnership.”

Glasgow Times:

The partnership was forged during COP26 last year when pupils from St Roch’s visited Glasgow Central Station after participating in a competition to encourage people to live greener.

The school produced a video about making Scotland’s Railway greener as part of a COP26 competition run by Network Rail. While St Roch’s didn’t win the competition, the video they produced left a lasting impression on the judges.

It’s hoped that the community partnership will provide an opportunity to promote safety around the railway. It will also enable participation in STEM activities to encourage young people to learn more about technology and engineering and think about possibilities beyond their school years.