A BRAVE OAP who broke a sex attacker’s fingers when he tried to grope her in the street has praised the decision to lock him up for more than two years.

Pervert Kieron Sullivan got more than he bargained for when he pounced on plucky pensioner Jeanie Barbour near her home in Kinning Park.

The 22-year-old grabbed the shocked 73-year-old from behind while she was sweeping up leaves for her neighbour before bawling vile remarks at her demanding sex.

Glasgow Times:

But courageous Jeanie pushed Sullivan away and told how she heard him howl in pain as she twisted his digits until they broke – before delivering a powerful kick to his groin that forced him to flee.

Today she welcomed the news that Sullivan is now beginning a lengthy two year stint behind bars after pleading guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to two charges of sexual assault after the attack in December 2021.

She said: “I’m glad that he has been put away and can’t hurt anyone else. He is clearly a danger to women.

“I’m happy that the sheriff did the right thing and gave him some time in jail. It is the very least that he deserved – but I’m just glad I managed to dish out some justice of my own before the police got their hands on him.”

READ MORE: Have-a-go hero pensioner tells how 'she heard his bones snap' after tackling sex offender

Jeanie, whose says her ongoing battle with lung cancer has been impacted by her ordeal, previously branded Sullivan ‘a monster’. She told the Glasgow Times that she wanted him to ‘rot in jail’ after he was sentenced and revealed how the attack had left her scared to leave her home for months afterwards.

She added: “I’m glad it is all over now and I can put it behind me, knowing he is where he belongs – behind bars.

"I think he could have been jailed for longer, but I'm content that he is at least off the streets for a good while. I'm happy to have played a part in getting him put away."

As well as the attack on Jeanie, the pervert also admitted three charges of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of others.

As well as handing down a 27-month prison sentence from the bench, Sheriff Matthew Jackson KC also ordered Sullivan to be placed under supervision for 18 months upon his release and placed him on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years.

Glasgow Times: Glasgow Sheriff CourtGlasgow Sheriff Court (Image: Glasgow Sheriff Court)

The court heard how darkness had fallen while Jeanie was outside helping to clean the Glasgow street prior to the assault.

Prosecutor Emma Baker said: "Sullivan grabbed her from behind, held both breasts with his hands initially and put his right hand over her mouth.

"Sullivan pressed himself up against her and stated that he needed sex.

"The victim grabbed Sullivan's hands away and pushed him off and he ran out of sight. She contacted the police, who noted she was extremely shaken and frightened."

Sullivan was traced hours later following a chase involving officers.

The court was also told of an incident earlier the same day where Sullivan was spotted performing a sex act while peering into a stranger's living room window.

He committed a similar crime on Christmas Day 2021 while looking into an office window for a city centre homeless accommodation and groped a care worker in the TV room of the same accommodation in January 2020, telling her: "I know you want this."

The horrified 51-year-old locked herself in an office after the incident and dialled 999.

The hearing was also told that Sullivan performed a sex act on himself at Kelvingrove Park in the presence of a 23 and 19-year-old women.