MUSEUM workers are balloting for strike action in Glasgow during the cost of living crisis.

Unison members in the city could down tools as an escalating dispute over job cuts continues.

It comes amid fears over a 30% slash to jobs, sparking concerns and two planned protests.

The union has notified Glasgow Life of the move to ballot nearly 70 members in the affected section from next week, and with other trade unions adopting a similar approach, more than 100 workers are now being asked to vote for strike action.

The jobs affected include curators, conservators, technicians, outreach and learning assistants, collections staff and staff from photography, editorial and design.

To date, the dispute has seen a series of protests outside some of the museums and the city chambers, with more now planned including this Saturday, September 2, 12pm at the Riverside Museum and Saturday, September 16 at Kelvingrove Museum.

Brian Smith, Unison Glasgow branch secretary, said: "These workers are angry at how Glasgow Life and Glasgow City Council are treating them, and by extension the museums loved and enjoyed by the people of Glasgow.

“A 30% cut in jobs in the museums and collections section is huge and will have a very damaging impact on how the collections are maintained, displayed and developed in the future. The loss of community outreach programmes is also unacceptable.

“Politicians should be investing in the city's world-class museums, not slashing jobs.

“Unisonmembers are now being balloted for strike action. Glasgow Life and Glasgow City Council need to listen to these workers' concerns.

“The council leadership need to reverse these job cuts."

Glasgow City Council and Glasgow Life have been contacted for comment.

We previously reported how staff at three Glasgow colleges are also to take strike action next week in a dispute over pay, terms and conditions.

Unison said more than 2000 members in colleges across Scotland will walk out on Thursday, September 7.

Among these are support staff at Glasgow Clyde College, Glasgow Kelvin College and City of Glasgow College.