A POLICE officer has admitted harassing a man at a station.

Kyle Cruickshank, 32, is stated to have pursued a racially aggravated course of conduct towards Barnaby Rose at Maryhill Police Station.

The charge says this occurred at various occasions between June 2020 and September 2021.

Court papers state Cruickshank did "repeatedly utter derogatory and offensive remarks."

Cruickshank also assaulted Rachel Kerr at Maryhill Police Station between January and December 2020.

The charge says he squirted the contents of a bottle on her face.

A final charge stated Cruickshank behaved in a threatening or abusive manner between March 2017 and April 2022.

Cruickshank repeatedly swore, and uttered derogatory comments and threats.

The charge is aggravated by religious prejudice.

Cruickshank appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court where he pleaded guilty to the three charges.

The first offender is no longer an officer at Police Scotland.

Sentence was deferred pending background reports by Sheriff Thomas Millar where more information surrounding the circumstances will be heard.

Cruickshank - whose bail address in Police Scotland's professional standards department - has been ordained to appear.