South Lanarkshire Council has funded over £3000 to eight community groups in Hamilton. 

At the recent Hamilton Area Community meeting, councillors approved plans to grant £3162 to numerous groups across the area from the community grant scheme.

The council offers community grants to support local community groups and voluntary organisations across all four areas of South Lanarkshire.

Applications are invited throughout the year and reviewed at each area committee meeting.

Eight groups in the Hamilton area have received grants from the scheme. 

The Art Room in Hamilton were funded £300 for an outing and materials; St John’s Friendly Hour in the town received £420 for an outing and equipment; and Strutherhill Lunch and Social Club in Larkhall were given £300 for an outing. 

Larkhall YMCA were also granted £582 for equipment; and Hamilton Bowling Club picked up £350 for the ladies’ section for an outing and entrance fees.

As well as this, Raploch Elderly Lunch Bowling Club were given £500 for specialist transport; Grow Uddingston received £360 for equipment; and Lyndale Club got £350 for an outing and entrance fees.

The main aims of the community grants scheme are to fund activities which bring community benefit and to involve people in the community by bringing them together to enjoy educational, recreational, leisure and other community activities or to improve the local environment.

Support can be provided for a range of activities including administration and publicity costs, purchase of equipment and materials, annual outings and entrance fees, start-up costs and special events.

The total allocation for the Hamilton Area for this financial year was £25,750, a total of £5390 has already been allocated throughout the year, and there is a remaining balance of £17,198.