A shake-up of parking permits is being planned with a hike in charges for cars with higher emissions.

Glasgow City Council is consulting to change the fees for resident permits across the 21 zones in place.

It will be based on emissions, similar to how Vehicle Excise Duty is charged.

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For cars in the lowest emission bracket, which do not pay VED, sometimes referred to as ‘road tax’, the cost will be less but for all other cars, there will be an increase.

The council said it is needed to manage car use in the city and promote sustainable transport.

There will be five bands from 0-100g of CO2 per km up to the highest which is above 191 g/km.

Currently, residents in the inner city centre area pay £328 per year and in Anderston £196.

In Hillhead, the charge is £170 per year, Garnethill £85, North Kelvin/Woodlands £85, and in all other 16 zones, £98 per year.

The proposed new system will see a higher rate for the city centre zones and another for all other zones.

Glasgow Times: Parking attendants

In the city centre, permits for the lowest emissions up to 100g/km will be £250 per year, 131 to 150g/km will cost £450, 151-190g/km will be £500, 151-190g/km, rising to a maximum of £600 per year for cars with the highest emissions of 191g/km or more.

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In all other zones the lowest 0-100g/km will be £80.

For cars with 101 to 130g/km it will be £150.

The next bracket, 131 to 150g/km will be £200.

For 151-190g/km it will be £250.

For the highest, above 191g/km, it will be £300.

The proposals are in the early stages and will be subject to public consultation.

A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said: “The possible introduction of carbon-based parking permits was originally put forward in Glasgow’s Transport Strategy as a way to support a shift to more sustainable forms of transport.

“Reducing the carbon output from our transport network is vital if Glasgow is to achieve its target of net zero carbon by 2030.”

“Parking permits have a part to play by ensuring limited road space is shared as equitably as possible and the use of vehicles doesn’t create barriers for others who wish to walk, wheel or cycle or travel by other more sustainable means.

“Almost half of Glasgow’s households don’t have access to a car and rely upon active travel or public transport to get about the city. 

“The city’s approach to parking controls can have a direct bearing on how car use is managed, which can support the reliability of the bus system or encourage more people to cycle.

“Under the proposals, the cars that produce the most carbon will pay the most for parking.

“Like any traffic-related charge, any income goes to support the parking system itself but also a range of roads, transportation and other environmental initiatives.”