South Lanarkshire Council is looking for local opinions on a housing plan.

The local authority’s housing and technical resources has launched a customer involvement strategy and is seeking public views on the new draft plan.

The current customer involvement strategy from 2018 to 2022 was developed and co-produced by customers, and it sets out the council’s commitment to working with all customers to shape and influence the delivery of housing services.

Over the last few months, the council has worked closely with the tenant participation co-ordination group and other customers to develop the next customer involvement strategy for 2023 to 2028.

The new strategy will build on the strengths of the council’s approach and will ensure that customer involvement continues to develop and move forward in a way that takes account of customers’ needs and lifestyles.

Residents are invited to give their views on the new strategy which is outlined on the council website.

The survey ends on November 24 and can be completed here.