A probe has been launched into a sinkhole as Glasgow residents protest.

Glasgow City Council are investigating a hole that the community is concerned about in Govan. They say someone could get injured. 

Living Rent, a community union, claims the hole has been there for years and particularly impacts the elderly, the visually impaired, people with mobility issues and parents with strollers and prams.

Members of the group gathered outside Portal Arts to demonstrate anger as they claim the council has failed to provide adequate pavements.

Glasgow Times: Living Rent have protested the sinkholeLiving Rent have protested the sinkhole (Image: Sourced)

Portal Arts claim they reported the sinkhole to the council months ago but have had no reply.

When the Glasgow Times contacted the local authority, they told us they have no records of any complaints.

They have now confirmed an investigation is underway with repairs planned and the area has temporarily been made safe.

However, Living Rent claims when the council were contacted about any future plans to repair any pavements across the Govan council ward it was found that there were no plans at all in the near future.

Glasgow Times: Residents are protesting the sinkholeResidents are protesting the sinkhole (Image: Sourced)

Aaron Sheridan, member of Living Rent said: “The sinkholes on Govan Road are not only a mess, they are a danger to the public. They make it harder for wheelchair users, those with mobility issues and parents with prams to make their way around their local area.

“People of Govan deserve usable pavements, especially if the city is to encourage active travel!

“I would encourage all residents of Govan to join Living Rent’s campaign to repair this hole by becoming a member of our tenants' union.”

Resident Dot Whelan said: “I live in a flat overlooking the hole on the corner of Howat Street.

"It’s a very busy street and I have witnessed many people going past with walking sticks, wheelchairs and parents with prams having to give the hole a wide berth.

"Aside from it also being an eyesore, it's an accident waiting to happen!”

A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said: “Our records indicate we have received no recent reports about a sinkhole at this location.

“We have, however, now made the area safe on a temporary basis and we are investigating the fault ahead of organising a repair.

“Govan is included in our on-going inspection and repairs programme as a matter of routine.”