Thousands of people have signed up for Glasgow’s iconic Santa Dash this year.

Almost 3,000 people have already registered to take part in this year’s family-friendly, charity event at Glasgow Green on Sunday, December 10th.

While there is still time to throw a Santa hat into the ring, new participants will have to apply quickly as the deadline is looming.

You have until Friday, December 8th to sign up and join the sea of adults, children, and even dogs, bedecked in red Santa Dash T-shirts.

The festive event will see crowds jingle their way around the route after taking part in an instructor-led warm up to Christmas tunes.

As well as having festive fun, around 4,000 participants also raised sponsorship for their favourite clubs, community events and charities.

Any profits from the registration fees also go to the Lord Provost’s Charity Fund for Vulnerable Citizens and Beatson Cancer Charity.

Glasgow’s Lord Provost, Councillor Jacqueline McLaren, will be on the start line to get events underway this year, along with television presenter, Bryan Burnett, who will compere the event.

The Lord Provost said: “There is a real party atmosphere at the Santa Dash – it is such an inspiring, feel good event.

"Everyone gets dressed up and is in the festive spirit.

"Don’t be deterred from entering if you’re not a regular runner, it’s for all ages and abilities. You can take it at your own pace and participants spur each other on around the course.

“Come along, join the fun and help make this year’s event even more amazing than last year. You could even make a day of it, by visiting the city’s Christmas markets, doing some Christmas shopping or rewarding yourself for finishing the run by visiting one of the city's many brilliant restaurants.

“You’ll need to be quick to beat the deadline though, log on to our Santa Dash webpage and register now!”

Everyone who completes the 5K course will be presented with a medal as they cross the finishing line at Glasgow Green’s landmark Big G installation and participants can also enjoy free travel across the Greater Glasgow Network on race day courtesy of First Bus.

Entry costs £16 for adults and £6 for children – this includes a Santa Dash t-shirt and medal on completion.

Register at People who would like to raise sponsorship for the Lord Provost’s Charity Fund for Vulnerable Citizens can do so via the JustGiving page Donations to Beatson Cancer Charity can be made via their JustGiving page