A MAN attacked his mum and dad in their own home after an argument.

David Robert’s parents were in their property in Govanhill when he visited on the night of March 18, last year.

An argument began around 8.30pm.

The 42-year-old pushed his dad, and his mother attempted to intervene.

He seized her by the throat and pushed her to the ground before walking over to where his dad was on the floor and began punching him.

Police were contacted and attended immediately.

Roberts, also of Govanhill, was arrested.

At a recent sentencing hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court, his lawyer described his behaviour as “absolutely shocking”.

Sheriff Patricia Pryce said: “He’s not been in trouble for 10 years. What caused this?”

The defence solicitor replied: “Excessive alcohol use. His father has health difficulties.”

Sheriff Pryce said: “That makes it even worse. The social work report says he’s in complete denial and shows no empathy.

“With his condition he shouldn’t be drinking at all. I’m prepared to deal with this by alternative to custody. I think he’ll benefit from a period of supervision.”

The court heard that Roberts also failed to appear at a court hearing on April 11, 2023.

Sheriff Pryce told him: “You know this was completely unacceptable, it’s your mum and dad and they’re in their 60s.

“Although you’ve got a record you have been out of trouble for a decade.”

He was placed under social work supervision for one year and ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work.

Sheriff Pryce added: “If you don’t do it, you’ll end up in jail.”