A total of £19,000 is to be spent on new CCTV cameras in the Govanhill area with council funding.

The cameras will be used to keep an eye on streets to crack down on anti-social behaviour, flytipping and drug dealing.

The Southside Central Area Partnership signed off the cash for the equipment at a meeting on Tuesday from the council’s neighbourhood Infrastructure fund.

The meeting heard £6,000 will go towards two camera domes for Westmoreland Street, which will help to monitor flytipping hotspot Kingarth Lane.

There are to be cameras added to Bankhall Street as well as Boyd Street.

A council official said the cameras have the ability to point into different roads and can be moved.

The meeting heard the total cost will be approximately £19,000 and the CCTV will aim to help with monitoring anti-social behaviour, drug issues and flytipping.

Police Scotland Inspector Ian Scott said he backed the installation of the CCTV.

Councillor Soryia Siddique, Labour, said they are “good proposals” and praised partnership work leading to the decision.