A MAN caught with a Stanley knife and two blades at the park has been told to "leave cannabis behind".

Jonathan King, of Inchfad Place, Drumchapel, previously pleaded guilty to possession of an offensive weapon and returned to Dumbarton Sheriff Court on December 12 for sentencing.

He also admitted having drugs when he was found on May 13 this year in Balloch Country Park.

The fiscal depute told the court that King was initially arrested on another matter at about 5.40pm.

He was placed in a police cell van and had a rucksack on him. When police searched the bag they found the knife and two blades, along with 3.9g of herbal cannabis.

Defence solicitor Drew Lannigan said his 37-year-old client had a "poor mental health and a predilection for drugs and alcohol".

He said King's bag also had a measuring tape and other items associated with work.

"It was a lovely day and he and his partner took the train to Balloch," he said. "He apologises and realises he was in breach of the law. He has not been in trouble for six years."

Sheriff Frances McCartney said the use of either drugs or alcohol would not help his mental health in the long term.

She imposed a community payback order with social work supervision for 12 months with a requirement to attend alcohol and drugs counselling or treatment as required.

He must also do 160 hours of unpaid work in the community within 12 months.

The sheriff added: "Make sure you leave cannabis behind."