As the daughter of Pakistani immigrants, my advocacy for social justice and human rights includes challenging the Conservative stance on migrants and refugees.

Their toxic narrative and the inhumane Rwanda immigration policy fail to acknowledge why people flee their homeland.

The Conservative government’s handling of immigration has dominated the headlines for far too long. From the Supreme Court ruling against their actions to the Prime Minister’s unwavering push for policies that lack empathy.

The Tories have mismanaged the immigration and asylum systems and stigmatised migrants to cover up their incompetence.

The Conservatives’ portrayal of migrants and refugees in a negative light can result in division and have lasting effects on BAME communities. This harmful narrative can amplify racism, sectarianism, and hate speech. There is a need for a fairer and more humane immigration policy.

It’s time for a shift towards kinder and more inclusive policies that recognise the invaluable contributions of those who chose to make their home here and shape a better society for all of us. Labour is committed to working with, and for all communities to rebuild our economy and public services.

From the Commonwealth soldiers in World Wars to the Windrush generation, we can foster an understanding that goes beyond history books— it’s about shaping a present understanding of their contributions and struggles. The struggles and inequalities that they are sometimes experiencing are due to colonial legacies.

This pressing need for change emphasises the urgency of inclusive education, specifically highlighting the histories and experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people.

In the classroom, I have witnessed the immense potential of our young people. I’m passionate about seeing their potential fulfilled, yet I believe there’s more we can do. Education can become our most powerful weapon against inequality, including BAME inequalities, and I’m committed to making that happen. In the council, I have served on the BLM and Slavery Legacy Working Group and now I am serving on the Employment Equality Diversity & Inclusion Cross Party Working Group.

There is much talk about altering symbols like statues or street names. It is beyond time to challenge the status quo through our curriculum. We must push boundaries, even if it means addressing uncomfortable aspects of our past while celebrating our achievements in diversity and community.

I will continue to campaign to enhance our children’s awareness of Scotland’s involvement in the slave trade. There needs to be a greater momentum on the work on anti-racist, anti-sectarian education and decolonising the curriculum.

I have openly shared my personal story and why I am campaigning for this education reform.

As we approach the opportunity to reject the divisive policies of the Sunak Conservatives, there’s an opportunity to elect a Labour government committed to social justice and equal opportunity. It’s the SNP-Greens in Scottish Government who hold the power to implement the educational change we need to empower Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. It’s time that we have an all-inclusive curriculum that reflects the diversity and experiences of our nation.