As someone who moved to Scotland from Hungary, I have come face-to-face with the country's unique cuisine on several occasions.

I had my first bite of haggis in the first year I was here - with neeps and tatties of course. I love teacakes and I have participated in the beloved tradition of the Sunday roast.

There is, however, one meal that I have yet to try and it is a big one, the steak pie.

So this year, I decided to venture into my local butcher's shop as countless Scots do in the run-up to every Hogmanay and purchase the delicacy.

If you have ever been to Budapest or tried Hungarian cuisine, you will know that the promise of the steak pie is very close to what we in my native country know and love, beef stew.

Throw some paprika, red onions and sour cream in there and it is a new national dish.

I was, therefore, optimistic about this dinner and took home my stew-filled pastry to cook.

My first thought? It looked intimidating and I was unsure how I would even begin to cut it once it was done.

When choosing sides, I was also worried because I didn't want to make the wrong call. This was an important mission.

After asking my friends and colleagues, Googling relentlessly and even consulting Glasgow Times readers, I decided on roast potatoes and fried asparagus. I hope this is not too controversial.

Glasgow Times:

Glasgow Times:

I leathered the sides in butter, salt, pepper, paprika (Hungarian habit) and parsley.

The steak pie was in the oven for around 50 minutes as I eagerly waited for it to become "golden brown and flaky", a very clear and resounding instruction echoing from every source I looked to.

Not being an experienced cook I had a hard time guessing when the sides needed to be fired up in the pan and air fryer for them to all be ready at the same time.

Luckily, I did well with the math and my meal was ready to be served in just under an hour.

The steak pie was delicious. The meat was juicy, flavourful and tender, the pastry was a little crunchy and well-cooked.

The sides I picked complemented the star of the show very well and overall, it was a filling, hearty dinner.

Glasgow Times:

I can now understand why it is such a staple in Scottish culture to sit down with your family and tell them about your day over a steak pie.

I very much hope that, if you also observe this tradition, your food will bring you just as much joy as mine did.

As for me, another classic dish has been ticked off my must-try list and now I wonder, what is next?