Glasgow is facing a dilemma that could quieten its well-known bustle and pulse.

The proposed police budget cuts and station closures, including the pivotal Stewart Street hub, are more than just a line-item reduction. They’re a gamble with the city’s soul.

Eight of Glasgow’s bastions of law and order are facing closure. Among them, the Stewart Street station, more than just bricks and mortar, it’s a symbol of safety, a beacon in our bustling city.

Only a month ago there was a report on organised crime on Bridge Street – Imagine the concerns when we hear Gorbals Street Police Station is on the list of potential closures.

Yet, in a move that seems more penny-wise but pound-foolish, these closures are on the table. It’s not just a matter of shutting doors; it’s about leaving gaps – gaps in which crime can, and likely will, rise.

We need only look to Germany for a cautionary tale. There, similar police station closures led to a spike in car thefts and residential burglaries.

It’s a stark reminder that the presence of police, visible and tangible, isn’t just about responding to crime; it’s about preventing it.

These proposed cuts in Glasgow appear short-sighted, a fiscal band-aid over a societal wound.

The impact on crime rates seems an afterthought, if thought of at all.

It’s akin to pulling the rug from under the feet of community safety, expecting not to fall. Glasgow’s streets have been renowned for their vibrancy. These cuts could see a different story unfold if these closures proceed.

But the plot thickens. Amidst this policing predicament, there’s another cut that’s raising eyebrows and ire alike: the housing budget. In a city grappling with housing challenges, slashing the budget seems not just counterintuitive but counterproductive. It’s like trying to fill a bath with the plug out – the efforts to address housing needs are undermined even as they begin.

This approach by the Scottish Government raises critical questions about priorities and perspectives.

Are we valuing fiscal savings over community wellbeing? Are we putting the cart before the horse in our quest to balance books?

Glasgow City Council, the voice of the people, needs to be more than a bystander in this. It’s time for the SNP-Green administration to advocate, to challenge, and to demand a re-evaluation from their bosses in Holyrood.

The potential increase in crime and the exacerbation of the housing crisis are not mere probabilities; they’re almost certainties if these cuts proceed unchallenged.

It’s a call to action for the council, for the community, for every Glaswegian who values the fabric of our city. We need to weave safety and security into this fabric, not unpick it thread by thread with ill-considered budget cuts.

Glasgow stands at a crossroads. One path leads to a city compromised, its safety and housing security eroded by the relentless scythe of budget cuts. The other path demands a bold stand, a collective voice that says, “Enough.” Our city deserves better.

We need to ensure that the narrative of Glasgow is not one of what was lost but of what was valiantly preserved and protected. Let’s choose the path of foresight, of community, of Glasgow.