A WOMAN who took a knife off her then-boyfriend admitted she should have handed it to the nearby Clydebank police office.

Amy Reid, of the town's Lennox Drive, appeared at court having pleaded guilty to having a blade in a public place.

Around 10pm on May 24, 2022, then 18-year-old Reid was part of a large group of friends in Montrose Street and had possession of the kitchen knife with a 9-inch blade.

It was concealed within her handbag, said fiscal depute Mandy Robertson.

Due to another incident, police attended around 10.30pm and while they had Reid in handcuffs, she voluntarily showed officers where she had concealed the blade.

She later pleaded guilty at her first appearance in court to having a knife in a public place.

Defence solicitor Judith Reid said the incident was caught on CCTV and her now 20-year-old client showed police where the knife was.

This is her only criminal offence.

"She first had good intentions," said Ms Reid. "She took the knife from her then-partner because she realised he took it out. And she accepts she could have gone to the police station.

"She seems to have turned things around. She has distanced herself from peers she was with on that day and is no longer in the relationship she was in.

"I think this was a fairly significant wake-up call for her."

Sheriff James Spy imposed a community payback order with 12 months of supervision by social workers. She must also do 120 hours of unpaid work in the community within 10 months.