The site of a former car repair business in Holytown could be converted into workshops, with more contained in a new building to be added to the site, if councillors approve a planning application.

North Lanarkshire Council will determine the application, concerning a former commercial building and yard on Holytown Road. 

The plans involve a change of use for the main building, which would be subdivided into four smaller workshop units, with a futher three such units located in a new building.

A supporting statement provided alongside the application explains that the most likely uses of the units would be business, industrial or storage, and that due to the small size of each it is expected that the overall level of activity on the site would be limited.

It is also claimed that the applicant owns several such units and needs more to satisfy demand from tenants.

The applicant also claims noise from the units should be limited and the site layout will be altered so that the entrances to the new units would be away from nearby homes.

To view the documents relating to this application, or to leave a comment, visit North Lanarkshire  Council’s website and search for planning reference 23/01328/FUL.