More than £300,000 will be spent on initial repairs at the “highly iconic” Steeple Hall in Kilbarchan after the move was given the green light.

The project to fix up the A-listed building will focus on “immediate and urgent” external works, as well as some “additional high-level repairs”, and reinstating the electricity and water supplies internally.

The £310,000 investment was approved at Tuesday’s economy and regeneration policy board, where it was agreed an options appraisal would be commissioned with a view to bringing forward a viable long-term use for the facility.

Councillor Andy Doig, an independent representative for the village, said: “As the councillor whose casting vote delivered the 2021-22 budget which included the £700,000 allocation to the Steeple Hall and as the current longest-serving councillor for the village, I’m extremely delighted about this report.

“This initial investment of £310,000 represents the single biggest investment in the Steeple Hall for 35 years. Council officers have confirmed that to me.

“I’d like to say as well the level of engagement and support from officers has been exceptional … The level of engagement with Kilbarchan Community Council and other local bodies has been first class. It’s been above and beyond the call of duty.

“What’s particularly exciting is there are moves to form a Friends of the Steeple Hall working group, which in the long term I think will be able to maybe pull in other sources of money that the council itself would not be able to source.

“It would also bring in the wider community in the village.”

The property is managed by OneRen as a community hall on behalf of Renfrewshire Council. Before the Covid-19 pandemic it was used for around seven hours each week, a report to the board said, but it has not reopened post-pandemic.

SNP council leader Iain Nicolson, who also represents Erskine and Inchinnan, said: “I welcome the report. I think it’s a good report. Again, [this is] another project that’s not without its challenges, given the nature of the building.

“It is a highly iconic building in Kilbarchan but not just Kilbarchan, in Renfrewshire. I welcome the fact we’re starting to move on that.

“At the very least at this stage to get it wind and watertight and up to a maintainable standard.”