Glasgow City Council could cut 172 teaching posts as it looks to save £27.8 million over three years.

Last week, a deal between the SNP and the Greens saw the council pass budget plans to address a £107m financial shortfall by 2026/27.

Following meetings between council bosses and trade unions yesterday, TES magazine is reporting the ‘education service reform’ included in the budget could see 172 posts removed across primary and secondary schools.

Councils have previously been warned against cutting teacher numbers by the Scottish Government’s education secretary Jenny Gilruth.

The council said it has met with teachers representatives over the need to reform services in Glasgow, including education.

A council spokeswoman said: “Officers are looking at several education service reform options as part of a budget that required to find £107m worth of savings from council services over the next three years.

“For many years, education spending has been protected, relative to other services, in the budget process.

However, with the education budget now amounting to more than half of service expenditure directed by the council, the level of savings required in the current financial situation is significantly more challenging.

“Meetings have taken place today with teacher trade unions to discuss the challenges and make them aware of the savings needed.

“Discussion will also take place with headteachers next week which will include a review of staffing formulas from the August term.

“Officers will do everything they can to minimise the impact but in the current financial climate we have to look at every option.”

So-called ‘service redesign’ plans approved by the council last week will include measures to “generate additional revenue or realise efficiency savings over the course of the three-year budget period”.

It will include education service reform as well as waste management and the roll-out of bin hubs.