Services will be cut, jobs lost, and longer waits for services as tens of millions of pounds is cut from the city’s health and social care budget.

The Integration Joint Board, a partnership between the council and health board, meets on Wednesday to set its budget for 2024/25.

It faces a shortfall of £36.4 million with almost half from social work services.

The plans to balance the budget include more than 150 jobs lost and an increase in charges for services.

It will see 90 health jobs cut and 62 council posts to go.

There will be a 5% increase in charges and a 12.8% rise for hot meal charges.

The plans also include a £3.3m cut from prescribing services, £3.5m from the “maximising independence” scheme to help people live at home and £2.1m from children and families.

There will be a 10% cut to a part of the Alcohol and Drug Partnership budget.

Last week it was revealed the number of drug deaths in the greater Glasgow area had rocketed by 41% to 303 people dead.

The proposal is a "10% reduction applied to budgets for both the Prevention and City Alcohol Drug Group (CALDG), to be achieved by removing funds which are not currently allocated to existing programmes of work".

On the job losses, the report states: “A range of options will be used to minimise the impact on employees including the non-filling of vacancies, the use of natural attrition and redeployment of staff where appropriate.”

For the council posts, it is noted there may need to be voluntary redundancy or early retirement packages offered.

The proposals include a £15.5m cut from social work services and another £8m mentioned which comes with a warning there is a risk the IJ will not meet its statutory duties.

The Chief Social work Officer warned services cannot be stopped for existing users so “budgets for new demand will require to be curtailed”.

It states: “It is clear to make a balanced budget, the reduction in service requires to take place and despite our transformation agenda there will be reduced funding for many of our core packages of support.

“Staff will require to work with service users regarding the impact to ensure that we do not leave the most vulnerable in our society at unacceptable risk.

“This will mean that the threshold for access to Social Work Services will be increased and the level of non-essential support will be decreased.

“Depending on demand, service users who require services may need to wait for packages of support being offered but Social Work Services will prioritise those with the greatest need and those at risk of harm.”

Overtime pay for working public holidays will be slashed for staff with a double time payment cut for six out of 12.5 public holidays.

Union members from Unison, Unite and GMB are planning to stage a protest against cuts in the city tomorrow ahead of the meeting on Wednesday.