Glasgow’s heritage is close to my heart - and I will certainly fight tooth and nail to protect it.

The lack of investment in our city is heartless and only with clear, focused action plans can we save our cultural buildings and assets.

One of the first steps in this was a meeting I held regarding Bridge Street and surrounding area’s future.

The meeting was a significant step forward in addressing the urgent need for action to preserve this historic area.

Attended by representatives from the Glasgow City Council, the New Gorbals Housing Association, the Glasgow Building Preservation Trust and Glasgow City Heritage Trust.

The discussion underscored the critical importance of collaborative efforts in safeguarding our heritage.

The presence of these key stakeholders was heartening, and their commitment to finding sustainable solutions was evident.

The council holds considerable enforcement powers, including the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO), which can be pivotal in this context.

It is imperative that these powers are utilised effectively to protect and revitalise Bridge Street and Glasgow’s Heritage.

The discussion made it clear that a unified approach is essential.

All relevant partners must come together to develop and implement a sustainable action plan that not only addresses the immediate needs but also ensures the long-term preservation and enhancement of Bridge Street and surrounding area.

This meeting also highlighted the necessity for a broader strategy across Glasgow.

The challenges facing Bridge Street are not unique; many of our historic areas require similar urgent attention.

We need to replicate the successful elements of this approach city-wide, creating comprehensive and sustainable heritage action plans that protect our cultural legacy while fostering community and economic development.

That is why Glasgow City Council must set up a Save Glasgow’s Heritage Working Group as a matter of urgency.

The council using its enforcement powers is vital but this must be matched by a concerted effort from all stakeholders.

The next meeting will be an opportunity for even greater participation, particularly from all local councillors, whose engagement is crucial for driving these initiatives forward.

But it’s not just our heritage we have to protect for the future – our education is also seriously suffering in Glasgow.

Education is the cornerstone of our future, yet it faces relentless cuts at all levels, from schools to colleges, including seeing 172 teacher jobs cut.

These reductions undermine the quality of education and limit opportunities for students across Glasgow. Programmes like MCR Pathways, which provide crucial support to young people, are under threat.

These cuts are not just financial decisions; they are decisions that impact the lives and futures of our children.

MCR must be fully implemented – mentors and pupils deserve to know the future of this vital programme.

The fight for education is far from over.

We must continue to advocate for adequate funding and resources for our schools and colleges, starting today with our motion at full council.

It is the right of every student to have access to quality education – it is essential for our community’s growth and prosperity.

Education is the route out of poverty and our children deserve better.

They deserve the chance to learn, grow, and succeed without the shadow of budget cuts hanging over their heads.

Let us stand together and fight for the future of education.