Dear Janice, I’ve been asked out several times with a guy I’ve known for a few years, but I don’t want to date him.

He is super keen however, I’m not sure if he is turning into a bit of a stalker because everywhere I go these days, he is there.

He makes a point of coming to say hello, and to avoid being rude, I end up chatting with him.

My friends are aware of this, so whenever they see him with me, they interrupt and guide me off elsewhere.

I don’t think he knows that I saw him outside my workplace the other day too, and he really had no reason to be there as my office is off the main thoroughfare. Should I leave well alone?

And how do I know when enough is enough? Mhairi.

Dear Mhairi, enough is enough when you are constantly looking over your shoulder, or if you are pretending you don’t see him lurking outside your workplace, or if your friends are dragging you away from him, or you’re writing to me!

Being keen on someone is one thing, but turning up like this is not acceptable.

Next time he appears in your company, make sure your friend is with you when you tell him clearly that you feel uncomfortable, and that you know it’s not a coincidence he is always popping up where you are. Immediately start a diary log noting every date, time and place he appears.

At best he is a nuisance, but at worse he is stalking you. Either way, don’t leave things to chance.

Others have and wish they had taken action sooner.

Take positive steps by discussing your diary notes and fears with a police officer and take it from there.

Dear Janice, my wife smells, and I don’t mean in a fragrant way!

I never noticed it before, but now I can barely sit next to her.

She is a lady of a certain age, so I dare not say anything in case she blows her top or gets upset.

What do you suggest I do? John.

Dear John, as women age and get closer to menopause, their hormones change which can lead to body odour they never had previously.

This can be due to increased sweat production, hot flashes and night sweats.

That said, there could be many other reasons too, such as the food she eats, infection, medications, vitamins and supplements, or underlying conditions like diabetes.

Also, stress and anxiety can sometimes cause more sweating, leading to body odour.

John, this is a very delicate subject and you’re right not to go in guns blazing on your approach, so pick a good time for a conversation and let her know you are concerned for her health because you have noticed a significant change in her odour.

Her GP is best to give professional advice and can perhaps offer her prescription-strength antiperspirants until her problem is resolved.

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