Glasgow councillors claimed almost £80,000 in expenses last year.

The official figures show travel expenses including more than £10,000 in car mileage and more than £46,000 in other travel.

An accommodation bill of almost £10,000  and more than £8000 in conference costs.

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There were nine councillors whose claims totalled more than £2000.

Between them, their bills totalled more than £40,000, more than half the total for all 85 councillors.

The highest individual total was from the Lord Provost, Jacqueline McLaren whose claims amounted to £9994.

The vast majority of her claims were for travel, with £9150 for ‘other travel’ and zero car mileage.

Annette Christie, Chair of Glasgow Life, was next highest with a bill of £6007.

She claimed £2820 in other travel, £861 for car mileage and £2095 for accommodation.

Thomas Kerr Conservative group leader was the third-highest claimant and the highest among councillors who do not hold an official council position.

He claimed £6003, including £2255 for other travel and £2520 for conferences.

The councillor for Shettleston claimed £1224 for accommodation.

In an interview with the Glasgow Times, earlier this year he told how he had been advised not to use public transport and instead use taxis following threats he had received.

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Susan Aitken, council leader claimed £5911 for the year, including £3408 in other travel and £2381 for accommodation.

The council leader has also been told to avoid public transport and use taxis for her safety.

Amanda McCutcheon was jailed for breaching non-harassment orders after she was stalking the council leader.

Allan Casey, convenor for workforce and homeless and addiction services, claimed £3120, most on travel with £1103 for care mileage and £1344 in other travel.

 Ruairi Kelly convenor for neighbourhood services and assets claimed £2669, including £1134 in car mileage.

Paul Leinster, SNP councillor claimed £2621, including £975 in other travel and £822 in accommodation.

Hanif Raja, was the highest Labour councillor, claiming £2411. Most of it was for car mileage of £1883 and £523 in other travel.

Raja's mileage claim was the highest of all 85 councillors.

Last year the Glasgow Times reported how he claimed more than £4000 in car mileage in 2022/23.

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Councillor Raja revealed he drives a 6-litre Lexus LS, which has been described by the RAC as “probably the most refined car available this side of a Rolls-Royce Phantom”.

Audrey Dempsey was the ninth councillor to claim more than £2000.

Her claim was for £2002, including £840 for conferences and £749 for other travel.

The lowest total claims for the full year were for £4.50 from 14 councillors.

They were Bill Butler, Stephen Curran, Fiona Higgins, Lilith Johnstone, Matt Kerr, Celia O’lone and Catherine Vallis, of Labour.

Chris Cunningham, convenor for health and care, Feargal Dalton, Laura Doherty,  chair of the wellbeing and equalities committee, Kenny McLean, convenor for housing, all SNP.

And Elaine Gallagher, Leodhas Massie, and Martha Wardrop of the Greens.