A TALENTED young actor who shone at a Glasgow musical theatre school has made it to a prestigious national final.

Aaron MacGregor, 14, who has been attending Movies To Musicals classes since 2019, will perform in London this weekend in the West End Calling grand final.

The competition runs across the country to find the next big West End star, and Aaron is the only Scot in the junior category to have made it this far.

Glasgow Times: Aaron MacGregor

Ross Gunning, founder of Movies to Musicals, said: “Aaron has sailed through to the London finals, having already impressed judges at the Edinburgh and Manchester heats.

“He sang Run Away With Me from The Mad Ones in the Scottish finals, and judges said he was ‘one to watch’ and ‘performed like any West End professional’. He’s really flying the flag for Scotland."

Glasgow Times: Aaron MacGregor

Aaron will be competing at the Arts Theatre in London on Monday, performing in front of a live audience and industry judges and casting agents.

He already has a string of impressive roles under his belt - he featured on the hit drama series Outlander, and has recently worked with Oppenheimer’s Cillian Murphy in the animated movie, Kensuke’s Kingdom.

Glasgow Times: Aaron MacGregor

He starred as young Gavroche in the UK and Ireland tour of Les Miserables and played Flynn in Princess Mirror-Belle on TV.

“He is passionate about musical theatre - it all started when he saw the Singing Kettle when he was a toddler and we knew then he was destined for the stage,” says his proud mum, Ashley, laughing.

“He has been going to Movies to Musicals since he was eight and he loves it. He has gained valuable experience and has made great friends.  

“We are extremely proud of him, and what he has achieved at such a young age. He takes everything in his stride and has remained grounded throughout.”